
28 June 2022by buononaturale

Among this year’s developments, buononaturale arrives in Germany. Our organic products are now available throughout Germany, via the MrGusto online platform, which specializes in exclusive Italian delicatessens and wines.

Access our store on MrGusto at the following link.

With our partnership with MrGusto we, thus, continue to make progress in the online community. In barely six months, we have launched virtual stores on four of Europe’s F&B industry’s favorite online platforms: two BtoB markeplaces that tens of thousands of specialized European and global retailers rely upon for their procurement ( and; another BtoB marketplace for French restaurateurs (Metro France); and, finally, a BtoC platform owned by the massive Carrefour group and aggregating France’s biggest organic food enthusiasts (

Another current event is our landing on the American continent, North and South, through the Hispanic Retail Chamber of Commerce (“HRCOC”). Read our press release here, on Diario Retail, the HRCOC communication arm. The Chamber’s mission is “to be the voice of US Hispanic Retail businesses and represent their interests and priorities to government and in the media…” and “serving members of every size and retail sector (supermarkets, food & beverages distributors…).” Watch our entry interview on the network channels.